She Means Business Incubator

She Means Business Incubator

Helps underrepresented women founders develop viable businesses


Program Type
6 weeks

Over the last few years, the number of businesses owned by women of color, specifically Black women, has increased by 164%. However, income levels and business revenue have failed to complement this groundbreaking growth. Women of color still earn exponentially less in their businesses, and many owners have incomes that place them within the poverty bracket. SMBI combats the disparities in revenue and funding opportunities for underrepresented women founders. Since its inception, SMBI has advocated for underrepresented women founders' rights and works to eradicate earning gaps within entrepreneurship.

The She Means Business Incubator helps underrepresented women founders develop viable businesses that aid their communities’ economic development. SMBI is a for-profit social enterprise. We charge a program fee for our incubator as opposed to taking equity away from startup founders. Our goal is to help women founders retain as much ownership of their companies as possible.

Our signature 6-week program guides early-stage founders through the business development pipeline with the support of mentors, facilitators, and corporate partners. We provide cohort participants with a safe and communal virtual space where they can immerse themselves in personal and professional development. In the She Means Business Incubator we offer:

One-On-One Mentorship
Collaborative Learning
Culturally Relevant Framework
Diversity & Inclusion
Financial Education


City / State


Application Status
Start Date