Motor Valley Accelerator

Motor Valley Accelerator

Founded: 2021

Mobility Accelerator in the heart of the Motor Valley


5 months

In the heart of the Motor Valley, the MV Accelerator was born to support and boost early-stage stage startups to enter and succeed in the competitive industry of Mobility. Our 5-month program, offers around €100,000 in cash and services, to improve your product, business model, and learn the best strategies from top-notch mentors and speakers.

The best startups of the batch get the chance to receive a follow-on investment of up to 500.000€ at the end of the program!

What are we looking for:
- Startups incorporated in Italy, or willing to open a legal entity in Italy.
- A motivated team with relevant education and experience. A successful startup is not a part-time job!
- No fear to dream big: appetite for exponential growth.
- Technologies, products or services able to revolutionize the way people move around.
- Clear vision and ability to execute. We are looking for people able to turn a cool idea into a disruptive reality.
- Relevant projects in the mobility or automotive industry.
- A minimum Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 3-4 is preferred for hardware projects.
- Products and services targeting large markets. Local can be a good start, global must be your target.

Our call for applications for 2022 starts in December 16th, and will close the 13th of February.

Our partners and investors include, CDP Venture Capital, Plug and Play, Fondazione di Modena, Unicredit, and CRIT. As corporate partners we have Marelli, STMicroelectronics, Sabelt, Dallara, OMR, CLN, and HPECOXA, that all help with pilots, and mentorship.

Funding & Benefits

Type of Funding


Application Status
Application Deadline
# of Startups Invested
Number of Alumni Startups