Founder Institute South Africa

Founder Institute South Africa

Founded: 2009

Building businesses that matter.


14 weeks

The Founder Institute is the world's largest pre-seed startup accelerator. Since 2009, we have helped over 5,000 entrepreneurs get the focus and support needed to build a business that matters. Headquartered in Silicon Valley and with chapters across 90 countries, the Founder Institute's mission is to empower communities of talented and motivated people to build impactful technology companies worldwide.

We help pre-seed entrepreneurs and teams build get to traction and funding by establishing a critical support network of local startup experts that are invested in their success, and by providing a structured and challenging business-building process that has helped our alumni raise over $1 billion. Leaders of the world’s fastest-growing startups have used the Founder Institute to raise funding, building a co-founding team, get into seed-accelerators, generate traction, recruit a team, build a product, transition from employee to entrepreneur, and more.



Funding & Benefits

Program Fee


Application Status
Start Date
Number of Alumni Startups
Total Funding Raised by Startups
US$1 billion